Mental Health And COVID-19 – Information And Resources
Updated: Sep 24, 2020
As the number of cases of COVID-19 increase, so does the associated anxiety.
For the general public, the mental health effects of COVID-19 are as important to address as are the physical health effects. And for the one in five who already have mental health conditions – or the one in two who are at risk of developing them – we need to take personal, professional, and policy measures now to address them.
For the past several weeks, MHA has been using its unique database to monitor daily this increase in anxiety. According to our screening data, we experienced a 19 percent increase in screening for clinical anxiety in the first weeks of February, and a 12 percent increase in the first two weeks of March.
This suggests that our screeners are not just “worried well.” Instead they represent thousands of people whose lives and sense of well-being are being severely impacted by concerns about the virus.
As things unfold in the coming days and weeks, MHA will continue to monitor anxiety.
To aid individuals and communities during this time, MHA has compiled a range of resources and information. Please click here to access the resources and information.