Employer Resources
Employing Peers
Peer workers are emerging as important members of behavioral health treatment teams. Yet, employers experiencing a number of challenges with incorporating peer support workers into traditional behavioral health settings.

Some of the most common challenges include:
Difficulty with creating peer jobs and career ladders for growth
Developing clear job descriptions, and measurable productivity outcomes
Lack of employer knowledge of what peer support is and how to implement peer support in the practical realm
Lack of employer understanding of the Recovery Model
Lack of trained peer support workers
Employer Resources
WISE Employer Toolkit: Implementing Essential Organizational Changes To Successfully Integrate Peers
WISE has created an employer toolkit to assist employers in implementing organizational changes to successfully integrate peers into mental health or behavioral health services. The culture of the entire organization is impacted when peers are hired. Change is hard and takes time and consistent effort to accomplish. There will always be individuals who are more comfortable with the status quo. But change is a necessary component of growth and systems improvement.
Webinar Series: Peer Support: From Position Description to Integrated Team Member (2021)
This webinar series is intended to help you develop a step-by-step plan for bringing peer support into an existing behavioral health agency or practice, in a manner that enhances services.
Expanding Services to Include Peer Support and Developing a Written Peer Support Job Description
Developing or Adapting a Supervision Model and Onboarding Peer Specialists
Providing Support for Peer Specialists and Peer Support Service Delivery
Developing an Action Plan to Integrate Peer Support Services
WISE provides an online job board for all WISE U graduates. If you would like to post a job, please fill out our job submission form.
Need Help?
Contact WISE for training and technical assistance related to peer support and recovery.
Email: wise@calvoices.org​ | Phone: (916) 376-7736​​​

WISE (Workforce Integration Support & Education) is a program of Cal Voices, funded by HCAI with dollars from Prop 63 (MHSA)